What is Conscious Living?

Conscious (adj.) – awareness of and responding to one’s surroundings / having knowledge of something.

Living (n.) – the pursuit of a lifestyle of the specified type.

Conscious living is about living our daily life with full awareness and mindfulness of what we’re doing, the purpose behind our actions, and the impact of our actions on the environment, the people, and all living beings.

A Journey of Awakening

Conscious Living is not a destination or an end goal. It is a journey – it is an experience – of awakening and self realisation.We are often trapped by our habits, formed over the years, and some of these habits can be harmful to us, to those around us, and to the environment.

All it takes to break out from these habits is to be conscious in our living, to maintain the state of an awakened mind.

This is a journey of a lifetime, and it all begins with us taking our first step in this journey!

Influence Begins with I

We believe that every individual makes a difference, and any positive change, no matter how small, has an infinitely large ripple effect.

One person taking positive steps could have a profound impact on those around him/her, or it could plant the seeds for future awakening.

Soon enough, this positive ripple would spread. First, to our social circles and family, then to the neighbourhood and community, and finally, the society.

We may seem small individually, but we carry influence. Collectively, we can make the world a better place!

Our Passion
We are a bunch of people who are passionate about these issues:

  • Vegetarianism
  • Environmentalism
  • Healthy and Positive Living

We enjoy raising awareness about these issues and are passionate in sharing our experience with anyone who is interested to walk the same path as us.

Let’s take baby steps towards a greater future for our Mother Earth, and for everyone of us!

Follow us on instagram @hxezcare.