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A step to find one’s steps

In the 21st century, consumerism has offered us with a variety of jobs and opportunities. We have sought forth our dreams through the lavish gloss of the outside world. The world that we see, which is defined by glory, recognition, fame, attention and control on screen. Yet, unexpected as it can be, this shimmering light dies out like a shooting star itself. As the first burst of spark sheds off its light, it was destined to burn out shortly after. 

Most would have panicked and craved for the brightest days of one’s life. Yet, it becomes a hollow, helpless and pitiful end as the star dies out with time. 

Consumerism has taught us to make ourselves look better so that we can feel better and supreme. Yet, for what purpose do we seek to make ourselves better? Was it for the attention of millions? Was it for the fear of being abandoned or forgotten? Have you ever thought for a moment to where you stand after working so hard, yet the results may not have been a gift to yourself at all?

Dear readers, life does not take the form of how things were done. When hope is lost, the spirit within is the source of what you need and what everyone needs from you. How many has really taken the courage to open their palms which clutches deeply to the worldly affairs of good and bad? 

You may not have felt accomplished from what you do, but only a step is all it takes for the liberty of your soul and the sorrows of this world. Your spirit to embrace the odds with love and forgiveness brings salvation to the cycle of unending death that traps many to a lost end. All it takes is your courage to take your first step for a miracle to be seen. It is not how much one knows and how much one does. It lies solely within you, which is none other than that one step itself. 

May you realise and take hold of your courage to open your heart and cleanse off the tears in every step you take. Although the results may differ and it may have been unexpected, you may find the source of light deep within. Even though it may not dazzle with blinding sparkles, it will definitely bring warmth to the coldest end of this world itself.

~ Written by James Yu ~